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67% of Poles support legalizing same-sex marriage: survey

20.06.2024 07:30
Sixty-seven percent of Poles support the right of same-sex couples to marry or legally register their relationship, according to the international Ipsos + Pride 2024 survey.
Image:Silar, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

In recent years, support for the adoption of children by homosexual couples has also increased significantly.

A substantial 61 percent of Poles believe that transgender individuals face significant discrimination. Nearly half of the Polish respondents (47%) support the right of LGBT+ individuals to openly discuss their sexual orientation and gender identity in public spaces, and 33% have no objections to non-heterosexual couples showing affection through kissing or holding hands (an 8% increase from the previous survey in 2021, marking the highest growth in acceptance of such behaviors among same-sex couples in all 26 countries participating in the Ipsos Global Advisor study).

One-third of the Polish respondents (36%) acknowledge having a homosexual relative or close friend from work. Women, individuals under 35 years old, and those who identify as non-heterosexual are more likely to report these experiences.

Additionally, 18% of Poles confirm noticing bisexual individuals in their surroundings. Non-binary people are recognized by 10% of Poles, while 8% report contact with transgender individuals.

Although 44% of the respondents in Poland oppose the right of same-sex couples to adopt children, 41% support this right, which is an 8% increase compared to the 2021 survey.

Furthermore, 55% of Poles are in favor of allowing transgender teenagers to access gender-affirming medical care with parental consent. 41% believe that the costs of gender reassignment should be covered by the health insurance system.


Source: PAP