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Sex scandal involving an academic pastor. Former World Youth Days director arrested

16.07.2024 13:05
Priest Mariusz W. from Radom was arrested on his 45th birthday. He faces up to 12 years in prison for the sexual exploitation of young women and inciting false testimony.
Fall from grace: Former World Youth Days director arrested in sex scandal
Fall from grace: Former World Youth Days director arrested in sex scandal Ron Lach/Pexels.com/CC0

The District Court in Zamość ordered his temporary detention for three months. He previously served as the director of the National Organizational Office for World Youth Days (WYD) and as a diocesan academic pastor in Radom.

The priest, who also lectured at a local university and served as a youth pastor, faces charges related to seven incidents spanning from 2011 to 2021.

The prosecution encourages any other potential victims of the priest's sexual exploitation to come forward if they haven't done so already.

The Radom Diocese informed authorities about the potential criminal activities of the Catholic clergyman as early as 2021. Since then, an investigation has been ongoing, including interviews with victims and witnesses.

"The Radom Diocese deeply regrets the reprehensible actions of the priest and apologizes to the victims and all affected by the unacceptable conduct of the clergyman," explained the diocese in a statement.

It was also emphasized that the diocesan authorities are "determined to rigorously protect children and youth from exploitation, particularly by clergy."

Father Mariusz W. has been relieved of all duties, and his pastoral ministry has been restricted, especially concerning youth pastoral groups.

Source: PAP
