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Polish anti-terror unit storms wrong apartment, terrifying mother and child

02.10.2024 16:00
In a shocking mix-up, anti-terror police from Bydgoszcz mistakenly raided the wrong apartment in Gdańsk during an operation on Tuesday.
Illustrative photo.
Illustrative photo.PAP/Marcin Bielecki

Officers were targeting a man wanted in connection with financial crimes but ended up breaking down the door of a different residence, where they startled a mother and her child, according to local news portal Trójmiasto.pl.

The incident occurred in a residential block on Jaśkowa Dolina street. The anti-terror officers broke the lock and reportedly used a flashbang grenade during the raid, only to find a horrified mother and child inside.

A spokesperson for the Bydgoszcz Provincial Police, Monika Chlebicz, confirmed the mistake. "This morning, as part of an ongoing investigation by the Economic Crime Division, officers conducted an operation in Gdańsk aimed at arresting a suspect. Unfortunately, there was indeed a mistake made during the operation. I assure you that any claims arising from the incident will be addressed and resolved with the affected party," she stated, as quoted by Polish Radio.

The intended suspect has since been apprehended, and a police psychologist has provided support to the mother and child.


Source: IAR