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Polish president spends day skiing in Tatra mountains

27.02.2023 22:00
Poland’s president spent Monday skiing in the southern winter resort of Zakopane, after holding a sleigh ride for foreign ambassadors in the nearby Chochołowska Valley the previous day, news outlets reported. 
Andrzej Duda.
Andrzej Duda.PAP/Art Service

Andrzej Duda, who is an avid skier, could be seen riding down the slopes of the Gubałówka mountain, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The president was due to attend a skiing competition on the Gubałówka, accompanied by a group of foreign ambassadors accredited in Poland, according to reports.

The head of state had invited the foreign envoys to join him for a two-day trip to the Tatra Mountains.

Polish president holds sleigh ride for foreign ambassadors

It began on Sunday when the Polish president held an evening sleigh ride for the foreign envoys in the scenic Chochołowska Valley, the PAP news agency reported.

It was an informal occasion without any statements for the media.  

The governor of Poland's southern Małopolskie province, Łukasz Kmita, posted photos from the event on his Facebook.

“A highlanders’ sleigh ride in the Chochołowska Valley with President Andrzej Duda, ambassadors, and the authorities of Tatra county. We showed the Diplomatic Corps the best side of our Małopolskie region,” Kmita wrote.

Ukraine’s ambassador, Vasyl Zvarych, thanked local officials for welcoming war refugees from his country, according to PAP. 

Forty traditional horse-drawn sleighs carried the guests through the valley, all the way from Grey Glade to Huciska Glade, where the president and the ambassadors were greeted by local authorities and ate dinner at a local restaurant, news outlets reported.

'A great way to promote Poland'          

Piotr Bąk, the head of Tatra county, told PAP that the weather was fine in the evening. As dusk descended amid the falling snow, the guests could enjoy a beautiful view of the mountains, he said.  

Bąk added: “It’s a great way to promote Poland. The diplomats saw the picturesque Chochołowska Valley in a beautiful winter setting. The authorities of Tatra county were very much honoured when Ukraine’s ambassador thanked us for welcoming war refugees.”

Bąk also told PAP: “President Duda is held in great esteem by foreign diplomats. All the participants wanted to take photos with the president ... and exchange a few words with him.” 

Monday was day 369 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.


Source: PAP, wpolityce.pl