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Ukrainian poetry showcased at Warsaw theatre

20.10.2022 08:30
A performance of poetry by Ukraine’s celebrated author Serhiy Zhadan will be held on Sunday at the Polski Theatre in Warsaw.
Serhiy Zhadan.
Serhiy Zhadan.PAP/Wojtek Jargiło

Entitled The Poetry Salon: Serhiy Zhadan, the event will take place at the theatre’s Small Stage, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The audience will hear Zhadan’s unpublished poems, translated into Polish by Jacek Podsiadło, as interpreted by Polish actors, organisers said. 

Announcing Sunday’s event, the Polski Theatre said: “Serhiy Zhadan is a Ukrainian writer, poet, essayist, activist … a walking institution, with rock-star popularity in Ukraine, and regarded in Poland as one of the outstanding authors in contemporary Ukrainian literature. In March 2022, the Polish Academy of Sciences nominated him for the Nobel Prize in Literature.”   

Zhadan’s poetry and prose “chronicles the lives and thoughts of ordinary Ukrainians,” fueled by the author’s “extraordinary gift for observation” and “merciless mockery of post-Soviet absurdities,” the Polski Theatre added in a statement, as cited by the PAP news agency.   

Organisers said that Zhadan was currently staying in the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, “actively helping defend his country” against Russian aggression.  

“Together with friends from Poland and Europe, he organises charity concerts to raise funds for the purchase of equipment for the Ukrainian army. He takes to social media to provide daily updates on the wartime reality of his native city,” the Polski Theatre said.

The Poetry Salon: Serhiy Zhadan starts at the Polski Theatre’s Small Stage at noon on Sunday, October 23.

Thursday is day 239 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Source: PAP, e-teatr.pl, teatrpolski.waw.pl