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The astonishing world of noise music: audio report

02.08.2023 21:30
In 1913, a futurist manifesto called "L'Arte dei Rumori" (The Art of Noise), by Italian artist and inventor Luigi Russolo, stated that the industrial revolution had given people the capacity to appreciate "more complex sounds."
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Turning his ideas into actions, Russolo designed and constructed a number of noise-generating devices called Intonarumori, seen as the forerunners of modern synthesizers.

While none of the original instruments survived World War II, modern reconstructions were recently created under the supervision of Italian musician and musicologist Luciano Chessa.

This summer, on the 110th anniversary of the publication of The Art of Noise manifesto, Chessa's Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners will perform two concerts in Poland, and the Intonarumori will be presented at an exhibition in the seaside city of Gdańsk.

On this occasion, Radio Poland's Marcin Matuszewski took a dive into the astonishing world of early noise music and resurfaced with this report.

Click on the audio player above to listen.