The film, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Krzysztof Łukaszewicz, promises to bring to the forefront a chapter of history that, while a symbol of valor for Poles, remains relatively obscure globally.
The narrative of Red Poppies is captured in its recently released trailer, hinting at a production that intertwines the spectacle of classic war films with a deep, human story. The film, which marks Poland's first feature production on the Battle of Monte Cassino, draws inspiration from legendary war movies like 1962's The Longest Day, 1977's One Bridge Too Far, and more contemporary works like Saving Private Ryan and Dunkirk.
Shot across diverse locations in Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy, and Poland, Red Poppies promises grand-scale battle scenes executed with modern cinematic techniques. The story is seen through the eyes of an ordinary soldier, blending historical facts with fictional elements. The central character, Jędrek, is a young boy transformed by his harrowing experiences in the Soviet forced labor camps system, who finds redemption and purpose amidst the chaos of war.
The film's ensemble cast includes Nicolas Przygoda as Jędrek, Magdalena Żak as the nurse Pola, with additional notable performances by Leszek Lichota, Szymon Piotr Warszawski, Michał Żurawski as General Władysław Anders, and Mark Kitto as British General Oliver Leese.
Backed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Red Poppies has garnered significant institutional support, including from the Polish National Foundation, the Ministry of National Defense, and the General Staff of the Polish Army.
The movie is set to premiere on April 5.
Source: PAP