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Warsaw gearing up for the Long Night of Museums

16.05.2024 15:40
Hundreds of cultural institutions throughout Poland are expected to open their doors wide to the public this Saturday for the annual Long Night of Museums.
Queue in front of the National Museum in Warsaw during the Long Night of Museums.
Queue in front of the National Museum in Warsaw during the Long Night of Museums.Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański

Over 300 events are planned for the annual night visits to the city’s museums free-of-charge, but also inside institutions which are usually unavailable to the public. Among the institutions welcoming visitors overnight Saturday-Sunday, are Polish Radio's Archives, which will be presenting the vast wealth of Polish Radio's production over the almost 100 years of its existence.

Click on the audio player above to listen to a report by Radio Poland's Agnieszka Bielawska.