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Polish film festival in New York, take 19

29.05.2024 12:30
A number of leading Polish productions will be screened in New York during the city’s annual Polish film festival, which begins on Thursday.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay geralt/pixabay.com/Pixabay License

The New York Polish Film Festival, now in its 19th year, will take place from May 30 to June 1, offering a diverse lineup of feature and short films, in addition to meetings with filmmakers, according to its organizers.

Over the past two decades, the event has brought a variety of films to thousands of viewers in the New York metropolitan area, both in movie theaters and online, the Polish Institute in New York has said.

This year's festival offers seven features and shorts that "reflect the best of Polish filmmaking today," it added.

Among these is As It Was, a short film directed by Damian Kocur and Anastasia Solonevych, focusing on the poignant experiences of a young woman who has been living in Berlin since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.

Another highlight is Maciej Hamela's In the Rearview, which was shortlisted for the Best Documentary Academy Award.

The festival showcases a number of outstanding female filmmakers working in Poland, according to the Polish Institute in New York.

Films will be screened at the Scandinavia House in midtown Manhattan from Thursday to June 1, as well as online from June 2 to 16.


Source: nypff.com, instytutpolski.pl