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Polish women among filmmakers invited to join Academy Awards

26.06.2024 13:00
The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has extended invitations to 487 filmmakers from around the globe to join its ranks, including Polish cinematographer Magdalena Górka and costume designer Małgorzata Karpiuk.
Illustrative photo.
Illustrative photo.Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock

Magdalena Górka, a graduate of the esteemed Łódź Film School, has primarily built her career abroad. In Poland, she collaborated with Władysław Pasikowski on the series "Cop" and the films "Jack Strong" and "The Messenger."

Internationally, Górka's portfolio includes work on "Doom Patrol," "Paranormal Activity 3," "Into The Night," "Die in a Gunfight," and "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds." She has also produced music videos for Elton John and Katy Perry.

Costume designer Małgorzata Karpiuk earned recognition for her work on Jonathan Glazer's acclaimed "The Zone of Interest," as well as the award-winning "Quo Vadis, Aida?" by Jasmila Žbanić and "Dolce Fine Giornata" by Jacek Borcuch.

The Academy highlighted that this year's invitees include 71 Oscar nominees and 19 winners of the prestigious statuette.


Source: RMF24