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UPDATE: Warsaw hosts Ukrainian Music Days Festival

10.09.2024 15:00
The 10th Ukrainian Music Days Festival has opened in Warsaw, aiming to introduce the Polish public to the rich tapestry of Ukrainian classical music.
The 10th Ukrainian Music Days Festival will be held in Warsaw from September 8 to 13.
The 10th Ukrainian Music Days Festival will be held in Warsaw from September 8 to 13.Image: Materiały prasowe/press kit

Ukrainian culture is often overshadowed by other cultural traditions on the world stage, despite its profound heritage, according to the event's organizers.

Held by the Pro Musica Viva Foundation, which has been promoting Ukrainian music in Poland for 25 years, the festival seeks to integrate Ukrainian composers into Polish educational curricula and performance repertoires.

The foundation and the festival are led by Polish conductor and composer Roman Rewakowicz.

The festival opened on Sunday with the Chromatophonic Trio performing Viktor Kosenko's Classical Piano Trio in D major, Op. 17 and Valentin Silvestrov's Drama.

On Tuesday, the Camerata Silesia, led by conductor Anna Szostak, will perform 17th-century Ukrainian choral masterpieces by Maksym Berezovsky and Dmytro Bortniansky.

The closing concert on Friday will feature the Kyiv Camerata National Ensemble of Soloists, showcasing Yuriy Pikush’s Escape Velocity along with compositions by Zoltan Almaszi and Oleksandr Kozarenko.

All performances are taking place at public broadcaster Polish Radio's Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio in Warsaw's Mokotów district.

Source: PAP

Click on the audio player above to listen to a report by Radio Poland's Agnieszka Bielawska.