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Warsaw Autumn 2024: a festival of diverse sounds and artistic fusion

11.09.2024 15:00
The International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn 2024 will feature almost 70 events, including concerts, discussions, and workshops, for fans of contemporary music.
Warsaw Autumn 2024 will showcase nearly 70 events exploring diverse music styles and artistic crossovers from September 20 to 28, honoring Andrzej Markowskis legacy.
Warsaw Autumn 2024 will showcase nearly 70 events exploring diverse music styles and artistic crossovers from September 20 to 28, honoring Andrzej Markowski's legacy. press materials

Starting on September 20, this renowned Polish festival will present a broad spectrum of influences, ranging from folk traditions and hip-hop to new technologies and interdisciplinary artistic ideas.

This year's edition is dedicated to the memory of Andrzej Markowski, who had a significant impact on the development of this annual event and contemporary music in Poland.

Festival Director Jerzy Kornowicz invited the public to the National Philharmonic in Warsaw for the opening concert, which will include performances by the National Symphony Orchestra of Polish Radio in Katowice.

Kornowicz also revealed that the theme for the participating artists is "interpenetration," exploring the connections between visual arts, cinema, new technologies, and various music genres.

The "Small Warsaw Autumn" will offer activities for children, including children’s operas and musical walks around Warsaw.

The 67th International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn 2024 will take place from September 20 to 28. Polish Radio is one of the main media partners of the event. For the detailed program of performances, visit warszawska-jesien.art.pl.

Source: IAR/Polskie Radio

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