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Wrocław named world's best city promotion film winner

03.12.2024 15:40
The World Tourism Film Award was presented to Polish creators during the final gala of the prestigious competition held by the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT) in Valencia, Spain.
Wrocław, awarded the World Tourism Film Award, is a vibrant city in western Poland, known for its rich history and stunning architecture. It is approximately 240 miles (390 km) from Berlin, 200 miles (320 km) from Prague, and 170 miles (270 km) from Kraków.
Wrocław, awarded the World Tourism Film Award, is a vibrant city in western Poland, known for its rich history and stunning architecture. It is approximately 240 miles (390 km) from Berlin, 200 miles (320 km) from Prague, and 170 miles (270 km) from Kraków.CIFFT

The Polish team was recognized in the category of "World's Best Tourism Film in City Promotion." The award-winning two-and-a-half-minute video was directed by Michał Zieliński.

The promotional film for Wrocław was described by the jury as "a thrilling cinematic journey," blending adventure and history to showcase the city's heritage dating back to the 7th century.

Styled as a movie trailer, it follows Filip and Natalia on a quest to uncover a hidden treasure, seamlessly combining historical facts with fiction to inspire visitors to discover Wrocław's secrets. 

The film also features world-renowned actor Daniel Olbrychski, known for his role alongside Angelina Jolie in Salt (2010). 

This is not the only success for the Polish film team. Their work has gained international recognition this year alone.

In addition to being awarded the title of the world’s best city promotion film, they also received 8 other accolades at renowned festivals, including Cannes (France), Los Angeles (USA), and Terres (Spain).

It was also recognized for its excellence at festivals in Serbia, Croatia, Portugal, and Poland, with an additional distinction for sound design at SilkFest in Serbia.

? Najlepszy Film Promujący Miasto Na Świecie ? Podsumowanie naszej przygody festiwalowej w tym roku. 8 nagród na prestiżowych festiwalach i tytuł Najlepszego Filmu Promującego Miasto Na Świecie !!! Jest nam niezmiernie miło, że mogliśmy przyczynić się do promocji Wrocławia i Polski na arenie międzynarodowej. Do zobaczenia na planie ❤️ ? Nagroda na Festiwalu Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards w Cannes (FR) ? ? Nagroda na Festiwalu US International Awards w Los Angeles (USA)? ? Nagroda na Festiwalu TerresFilm Festiwal w Terres (HISZPANIA) ? Nagroda na Festiwalu SilkFest (SERBIA) ? ? Nagroda za dźwięk na Festiwalu SilkFest w(SERBIA) ? ? Nagroda na festiwalu Zagreb TourFilm Festival w Zagrzebiu (CHORWACJA)? ? Nagroda na festiwalu FilmAT w Warszawie ? ? Nagroda na festiwalu ART&TUR w Lousa (PORTUGALIA) ? Do zobaczenia na planie ;) GrupaMagicLine www.grupamagicline.pl

Opublikowany przez Grupa MagicLine - Produkcja Filmowa i Telewizyjna Niedziela, 1 grudnia 2024

The award-winning film "Wrocław City of Adventure" was created by the Magic Line team including Łukasz Kowal (sound), Joanna Szprynger (make-up), Kamil Makuch (set assistant), and Michał Zieliński (director and screenwriter).

CIFFT/Magic Line Group CIFFT/Magic Line Group

?Wczoraj na planie spotkała się część twórców nagrodzonej produkcji "Wrocław Miasto Przygody" Łukasz Kowal (dźwięk)...

Opublikowany przez Grupa MagicLine - Produkcja Filmowa i Telewizyjna Poniedziałek, 2 grudnia 2024
Wrocław, a vibrant city in southwestern Poland, is renowned for its rich history and stunning architecture. Strategically located in Central Europe, it is approximately 240 miles (390 km) from Berlin, 200 miles (320 km) from Prague, 170 miles (270 km) from Kraków, and 320 miles (515 km) from Vienna.

Source: CIFFT/Magic Line Group

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