“Koalicja was far more frequent in the past year than previously,” said Professor Marek Łaziński, secretary of the selection committee. The term, which dates back to the 16th century, remains largely unchanged in meaning.
Political terms dominate
Second place went to komisja (commission), referring mostly to high-profile investigative committees. In third place was zetki, a slang name for the Gen Z demographic, widely covered in the press as its members reach adulthood.
Other top contenders included powódź (flood), rozliczenia (settlements), babciowe (a colloquial expression for “grandma’s benefit”), and azyl (asylum). The jury convened under the patronage of the Polish Language Council.
Online and student picks
An online voters’ poll crowned sztuczna inteligencja (artificial intelligence) as 2024’s Word of the Year, while babciowe and powódź took second and third. University students chose stołówka (cafeteria) as their favorite term.
In previous years, Poland’s Word of the Year reflected major societal concerns: in 2023 the public chose “wybory” (elections) while experts picked “sztuczna inteligencja.” In 2022, both groups agreed on “wojna” (war). Earlier selections included “szczepienie” (vaccination) in 2021 and “koronawirus” in 2020.
Source: TVP Info, PAP