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Polish film festival in New York, take 18

10.06.2023 19:30
A number of leading Polish productions will be screened in New York during the city’s annual Polish film festival, which is now in its 18th year.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay geralt/pixabay.com/Pixabay License

The 18th New York Polish Film Festival offers a diverse lineup of feature films, documentaries and short films, in addition to meetings with filmmakers, actors and directors, according to its organizers.

These include films by promising young filmmakers, such as Bread and Salt (Chleb i Sól) by Damian Kocur, Braty by Marcin Filipowicz, Roving Woman by Michał Chmielewski, and Dangerous Gentleman by Maciej Kawalski.

The festival movies feature a host of leading Polish actors such as Andrzej Seweryn, Marcin Dorociński, and Tomasz Kot.

The films are being shown in Polish with English subtitles during the three-week celebration of Polish cinema, which began on Friday and runs until the end of this month.

The 18th New York Polish Film Festival includes both live and virtual screenings.

Films will be screened at the Scandinavia House in midtown Manhattan until Sunday as well as online until June 30.


Source: nypff.cominstytutpolski.pl