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Polish Radio plays win awards at festival

20.06.2023 14:30
Some of public broadcaster Polish Radio's most successful recent drama productions have won prizes at the annual Two Theatres festival, which concluded with an awards ceremony in the southeast of the country on Monday.
Director Mikołaj Szczęsny (second from left) and script writer Sebastian Adamkiewicz (left) receive the award for Best Radio Play for Post Mortem. The Story of Zofia Dwornik, at the Two Theatres Festival of Radio and TV Drama in Zamość, southeastern Poland, on Monday, June 19, 2023.
Director Mikołaj Szczęsny (second from left) and script writer Sebastian Adamkiewicz (left) receive the award for Best Radio Play for "Post Mortem. The Story of Zofia Dwornik," at the Two Theatres Festival of Radio and TV Drama in Zamość, southeastern Poland, on Monday, June 19, 2023. PAP/Wojtek Jargiło

It was the 22nd edition of the festival and the third held in the southeastern city of Zamość by Polish Radio and state television broadcaster TVP.

Best radio and TV plays

One of the festival's top prizes went to Post Mortem. The Story of Zofia Dwornik, written by Sebastian Adamkiewicz and directed by Mikołaj Szczęsny, for Best Radio Play, Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported. The play had been submitted to the festival by regional public broadcaster Radio Łódź.

Other winners included Robot Invasion, written and directed by Andrzej Bajguz, for Best Children’s Radio Drama.

Meanwhile, Igor Gorzkowski’s staging of the Karol Hubert Rostworowski play Judas of Kerioth was announced as Best TV Drama.

Best actors 

Grażyna Misiorowska won Best Actress in a Radio Play award for her role as the title character in Tadeusz Różewicz’s Old Woman Broods, directed by Przemysław Tejkowski.

Bartosz Topa won the Best Actor in a Radio Play award for his turn as Inspektow in Grażyna Bacewicz’s The Trap, directed by Aleksandra Głogowska.

Meanwhile, Wiktoria Gorodeckaja received the Best Actress in a TV Drama prize for her appearance as Rachel in Karol Hubert Rostworowski’s Judas of Kerioth, directed by Igor Gorzkowski.

Popular film actor Cezary Pazura won the prize for Best Actor in a TV Drama, for his appearance as Grand Duke in Juliusz Słowacki’s Kordian, directed by Zbigniew Lesień.

Best directors

The Best Director of a Radio Play gong went to Łukasz Lewandowski for his production of Magdalena Miecznicka’s The One Who Dies

Wawrzyniec Kostrzewski won the Best Director of a TV Drama award for his staging of A Dialogue On Birth, a play co-adapted by Kostrzewski and Patryk Kencki from Old Polish texts, Polish state news agency PAP reported. 

In all, the 2023 Two Theatres Festival saw 28 radio dramas, including nine children’s radio plays, vie for prizes in the radio segment, while 16 made-for-television plays competed for awards in the TV category, according to officials.

The festival was held from June 16 to 19, the IAR news agency reported.


Source: IAR, PAP, TVP Lublin