The animated film follows Wojtek, a Syrian brown bear adopted by troops in Egypt, as he becomes a beloved member of the Polish army, aiding in ammunition transport and becoming a symbol of solidarity.
Director Iain Gardner expresses a personal connection to the theme of displacement, seeing Wojtek's story as reflective of the wider experience of those uprooted by war. "For me, it's a story about refugees," Gardner says. Like the soldiers who felt they couldn't return home after the war, "the teddy bear became a refugee."
Wojtek's tale, marked by his assistance in the Battle of Monte Cassino and his fondness for rides in military trucks, is a unique perspective on the war's history. The bear travelled with his unit from Iran through Syria and Italy to the UK, ultimately residing at the Edinburgh Zoo.
The film premiered at the Aesthetica Film Festival in York and will be showcased next at the Manchester festival. With Polish dubbing in progress, a television premiere in Poland is anticipated for May, as confirmed by producer Iain Harvey.
Source: IAR