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UPDATE: Photos of Ukraine war on show in Warsaw

18.07.2024 22:00
A new photographic exhibition entitled “This is War” opened on Thursday at the Leica Store & Gallery in Warsaw, with works depicting Russia's ongoing war of aggression in Ukraine.
Photo:PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Curated by Monika Szewczyk-Wittek, the display features the collaborative work of award-winning photojournalist Wojciech Grzędziński and journalist Paweł Reszka.

The exhibition contains images and texts which depict the recurring horrors of war and its profound impact on civilians.

Grzędziński's photographs, accumulated over two-and-a-half years in Ukraine, aim to convey the repetitive nature of war stories across different parts of the country.

“Even when we work separately and at different times, it turns out we are telling the same stories,” said Grzędziński.

His collaboration with Reszka, a seasoned war correspondent, enhances the narrative, bridging the gap between personal accounts and visual documentation.

Szewczyk-Wittek said that the exhibition is not just a look at the last two-and-a half years of full-scale war, but a decade-long journey, highlighting everyday life in a war zone.

“This is a story not told through numbers or statistics, but through specific human stories,” she added.

Photo: Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka 

The exhibit is a multi-faceted experience, combining photographs, press publications, maps, and multimedia presentations. It includes a unique film shot from a camera mounted on Grzędziński’s camera, providing a first-person perspective of war-torn areas just moments after a bomb has fallen.

This immersive approach aims to bring visitors closer to the reality faced by those working in conflict zones.

The exhibition offers texts as accompaniment to each image, and standalone pieces by Reszka that offer a parallel narrative to the photographs. These texts are designed to encapsulate the essence of the events they describe, making complex war stories accessible to viewers.

All texts have been translated into English and Ukrainian to reach a broader audience.

The exhibition runs from July 18 to August 17, with various events including an author meeting on July 18 and a guided tour by the curator on July 20. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to the Polish Medical Mission, supporting those impacted by the war.

Grzędziński, known for his work in conflict zones and a recipient of multiple prestigious photography awards, has been documenting the war in Ukraine since February 2022.

Reszka, an accomplished journalist and war correspondent, has covered conflicts in Georgia and Ukraine and has written extensively for major Polish publications.

Together, they offer a profound look into the war's impact on individual lives, challenging the transient nature of traditional media reporting with a focus on deep, personal storytelling.
