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BarnKSY: Poland’s Banksy. Arkadiusz Andrejkow takes the art world by storm

13.08.2024 23:55
Instead of street art, he creates... barn art, transforming any ordinary barrel, wooden crate, worn-out well, or old barn into a true work of art. The canvas for this artist from Sanok in southeastern Poland consists of commonplace items, which he turns into breathtaking paintings.

Unlike his well-known counterpart, who is famously referred to as "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," the Polish Banksy is not concerned with remaining anonymous. The artist from Podkarpacie, in southern Poland, is open to anyone willing to promote his name internationally. He fully deserves recognition and can prove his talent every time he feels inspired to create a new piece.

The mission of the Polish Banksy is to create a series called "Silent Memorial," inspired by archival portrait photography. He carries out his work throughout Poland, on both private properties and various institutional and municipal locations.

This creative artist often honors local heroes, attempting to preserve them from being forgotten through his unique form of art.

"I paint and commemorate people who are not widely known. You won’t find them in any textbooks," the artist admitted in an interview with Program 2 of Polish Radio.

Arkadiusz Andrejkow carries out his projects across the country, invited by both private individuals and municipal organizations. His work preserves the memory of local heroes who are rarely found in history books.

Source: polskieradio.pl/andrejkow.pl

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