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'Thorgal' and more: Spotlight on Polish comic book artist Grzegorz Rosiński

09.09.2024 15:50
A retrospective exhibition focusing on Grzegorz Rosiński, the Polish comic book artist famous for his work on the iconic "Thorgal" series, has concluded at Warsaw's Palace of Culture and Science. 
The Grzegorz Rosiński in Illustrations exhibition at the Palace of Culture and Science in the Polish capital was organized with the support of Warsaw City Hall, the Swiss and Belgian embassies and the French Institute.
The "Grzegorz Rosiński in Illustrations" exhibition at the Palace of Culture and Science in the Polish capital was organized with the support of Warsaw City Hall, the Swiss and Belgian embassies and the French Institute.Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka

The event was organized with the support of Warsaw City Hall, the Swiss and Belgian embassies, and the French Institute.

Over 400 works, paintings and illustrations by Rosiński were on display for the first time in Poland, showcasing the work of an artist who has profoundly influenced European comic art.

Rosiński, an internationally acclaimed artist known for his award-winning comics, gained fame with the Thorgal series, which debuted in 1977 in Le Journal de Tintin and has been released in hardcover by Le Lombard since 1980.

The comic series tells the story of Thorgal Aegir, a warrior raised by Vikings, who faces numerous challenges in a world blending fantasy, mythology and science fiction.

The series is praised for its complex narrative, deep characters and Rosiński's exceptional artwork.

In an interview with Danuta Starzyńska-Rosiecka for Culture.pl, Rosiński said that his collaboration with Jean Van Hamme started through a mutual acquaintance.

He added that, due to communist-era censorship in Poland, they decided to make Thorgal a neutral, timeless story, which resulted in a series of over 30 volumes.


Source: PAP/YouTube/V. Chatzakis/Culture.pl