The book, originally published in 1937, is set in pre-war Poland and follows Adam, a gifted high school student known for his exceptional problem-solving skills.
According to the blurb for the English edition, Adam "abandons his summer vacation plans when his history teacher begs him to accompany him to his family country estate. Upon arrival, he discovers that various doors have been disappearing from the manor house. He swiftly realizes the doors are linked to a treasure hidden somewhere nearby, but to his dismay, he also learns he's not the only one intent on finding it."
A staple in Polish literature, The Twelfth Grade Devil has previously been translated into French, Slovak, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Hebrew.
The English translation is the work of Paweł Szczerkowski, who has long admired Makuszyński’s distinctive style.
Szczerkowski's translation was recognised by the University of Leeds in Britain, earning a spot on the longlist for the John Dryden Translation Competition.
Kornel Makuszyński (1884-1953) ranks among the most prominent Polish writers of the first half of the 20th century.
His children's books, including 120 przygód Koziołka Matołka (120 Adventures of Matołek the Billy-Goat), Szaleństwa panny Ewy (Miss Ewa’s Follies), and O dwóch takich, co ukradli księżyc (The Two Who Stole the Moon), have enjoyed enduring popularity among generations of readers.
Source: Polish Cultural Institute in London, Amazon