Renowned for their fine craftsmanship and high-quality silver, these coins are among the most fascinating numismatic finds in medieval Poland.
The artifact, found during legal metal detecting by Damian Tomczyk, features a distinctive chapel design on one side and a cross on the other—reflecting Otto III’s ambition to unite Christian Europe under his imperial rule. According to MHZK experts, such coins functioned not only as currency but also as “carriers of imperial ideology,” highlighting both religious devotion and political might.
Intricate iconography
On the front side (obverse), the coin bears a central cross accompanied by the letters ODDO (an abbreviation for Otto) and an inscription DI GRA REX (“By the Grace of God, King”). The reverse depicts a small chapel, possibly symbolizing the Church or holy relics, underscoring the close alliance between the empire’s secular and spiritual spheres. Around the edge is the word ADELHEIT, referencing Queen Adelaide—grandmother of Otto III and wife of Emperor Otto I.
“Such imagery illustrates the sacred basis of imperial power,” the museum’s statement says. “The cross stands for the triumph of Christianity, while the chapel emblem embodies holiness—both emblematic of Otto III’s vision for a Christian empire.”
Otto III coins, discovered at sites like Wolin, Poznań, and Gniezno, underscore the extensive diplomatic and trade connections between the early Piast realm and the Holy Roman Empire. Other treasures unearthed in Polish lands reveal a diversity of medieval currencies, ranging from Arab dirhams to Anglo-Saxon and Bohemian coins. Experts note that these inscribed and richly decorated pieces served as “vehicles of ideology,” distributing political and religious messages across Europe.
Source: PAP