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Poland joins exploration of Moon, Mars

27.10.2021 11:00
Poland’s space agency POLSA has signed an agreement with its US counterpart NASA to take part in multilateral missions to the Moon and Mars, among other heavenly bodies, a news agency has reported.
Polands space agency POLSA has signed an agreement with Americas NASA to take part in multilateral missions to the Moon and Mars, among other heavenly bodies.
Poland’s space agency POLSA has signed an agreement with America's NASA to take part in multilateral missions to the Moon and Mars, among other heavenly bodies.PAP/Łukasz Gągulski

The international deal, known as the Artemis Accords, provides the framework for civil exploration and peaceful utilisation of heavenly objects, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Warsaw’s inclusion in the agreement represents “another important step in developing Poland’s cooperation with the United States,” POLSA said in a statement sent to PAP.

Other signatories of the deal include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates and Britain. 

POLSA CEO Grzegorz Wrochna was quoted as saying on Tuesday that Polish companies and institutions have been successfully working with the likes of NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) for years. 

“In the last 40 years alone, various international space missions have featured over 80 appliances conceived and constructed by Polish designers and engineers,” Wrochna said, as quoted by PAP. 

Meanwhile, a decade of membership of the ESA “has fostered dynamic growth of the Polish space sector, which already numbers over 350 firms,” he added.

Wrochna signed up POLSA to the Artemis Accords, which are based on United Nations Treaties, at the International Aeronautical Congress in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, PAP reported.

Under the agreement, “Poland will be able to participate in NASA’s multilateral missions for the exploration of the Moon, Mars and other heavenly bodies,” POLSA said. 

It is also working with NASA for a bilateral framework agreement on cooperation in space that is set to further deepen Polish-American ties, officials said. 

Established in 2014, POLSA is affiliated with the Polish Ministry of Development and Technology. It supports and promotes the national space sector at home and abroad, while also working with international agencies and the public administration in the study and utilisation of outer space.

It also aims to educate the public on the use of satellite technology in business and everyday life, PAP reported.


Source: PAP