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Poland to punish worst crimes with life in prison without parole

09.02.2022 12:00
The Polish government has adopted plans to toughen the country's criminal code by introducing life imprisonment without parole for the gravest crimes and raising the second-longest jail sentence to 30 years.
Polands Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro unveils plans to toughen the criminal code, in Warsaw on Tuesday.
Poland's Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro unveils plans to toughen the criminal code, in Warsaw on Tuesday. PAP/Tomasz Gzell

The proposed new rules were announced by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro on Tuesday, the state PAP news agency reported. 

Ziobro told reporters that “at the moment, the criminal can always apply for a conditional discharge.”

“As a result, there are people in Polish prisons who are repeat offenders in some of the most serious crimes such as murder,” he said. 

“If we give such people the chance, they will be highly likely to kill again and there are instances of murders being committed against children,” he added.

Ziobro also said: “When we are dealing with dangerous crimes, with bandits, those who commit grave crimes against life and health, including rape or serious paedophile crimes, or with those who operate in organised structures, or with repeat offenders, especially the multiple, professional repeat offenders, then, in such cases, we should show an iron hand.”

Heavier sentences for worst crimes

Under the proposed reform, the worst crimes would be punishable by "unconditional life imprisonment." These crimes include "rape with extraordinary cruelty," leading to serious bodily injury or death of the victim, the PAP news agency reported. 

Moreover, someone found guilty of raping a pregnant woman, for example, will face up to 20 years in prison, and there will also be stricter sentences for repeat sex offenders, officials said. 

In addition, the minimum jail terms for causing death or serious bodily injury by drink-driving will be raised to five and three years respectively. 

In another change, bribery involving more than PLN 1 million (EUR 220,000) would be punished more severely than before, by up to 20 years in prison. 

The minimum jail terms for fraud would also be increased, to more than three years for fraudulent dealings involving over PLN 5 million (EUR 1.1 million) and to five years for those involving PLN 10 million (EUR 2.2 million), PAP reported.


Source: PAP