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Razom for Ukraine and partners host Ukraine Action Summit in Washington: audio report

16.09.2022 18:25
Razom for Ukraine, a New York-based non-profit supporting Ukrainian people, is teaming up with 33 partner organisations to host a three-day Ukraine Action Summit on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., starting this Sunday. 
Razom For Ukraine, New York- based non-profit helping people in need in Ukraine
Razom For Ukraine, New York- based non-profit helping people in need in UkrainePhoto: Radio Poland

Razom for Ukraine, which translates as “Together for Ukraine,” was founded in New York eight years ago with a couple dozen members to promote their culture. 

Over the last few months, Razom has enlisted hundreds of volunteers and raised over USD 60 million to buy and transport medical supplies to war-torn Ukraine. 

In addition to fundraising, Razom also organises call campaigns and protests throughout the city. 

Oleksa Martiniouk, Director of research and Policy at Razom Advocacy Team Oleksa Martiniouk, Director of research and Policy at Razom Advocacy Team

Ukraine Action Summit

"The idea of the Ukraine Action Summit is to have this coalition put on this event. Over 30 organisations spanning different backgrounds, medical, humanitarian, advocacy, Baltic, Syrian, Afghan etc. , bring together all these different communities, have them bring their supporters to Washington, D.C., and meet with their representatives," Oleksa Martyniouk, director of research and policy at Razom's advocacy team, told reporter Danuta Isler ahead of the Ukraine Action Summit, which starts in Washington this Sunday. 

Click on the audio player above to hear the interview.