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Q and A with Bohdan Maruszewski

04.04.2023 20:30
Poland’s biggest annual charity has announced a record collecting millions for medical equipment, this time to help diagnose and prevent sepsis.
Bohdan Maruszewski during the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charitys 31st Grand Finale, 29 January, 2023.
Bohdan Maruszewski during the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity’s 31st Grand Finale, 29 January, 2023. Photo: Rafał Guz/PAP

Poles have again defied their bread-and-butter concerns to donate more than ever to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity’s latest effort helping to raise a staggering 52 million euro.

The raised total will help revolutionise the way sepsis is handled at Polish hospitals through the purchase of state-of-the-art diagnostic systems for labs.

To find out more about this year’s and  yesteryear’s fundraising efforts, I talked to pediatric cardiac surgeon and co-founder of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, Bohdan Maruszewski.

Presented by Michał Owczarek