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EU's Copernicus Earth observation programme celebrates 25 years

21.06.2023 16:00
The European Union’s Copernicus Earth observation programme is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Photo:Danuta Isler/Radio Poland

Created in 1998, the programme has for 25 years been providing information services based on satellite Earth observation data, as well as non-space data, for the benefit of European citizens.

Named after the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, it has a set of satellites in orbit to provide daily free data and information services focusing on six areas: the atmosphere, seas, land, climate change, security and emergency.

"The beautiful thing about Copernicus is that it's available; this is free data basically," Maciej Krzyżanowski, CEO of Cloudferro, a Polish company providing cloud data services, told Radio Poland's Danuta Isler during a conference in Warsaw marking the 25th anniversary of the programme in Poland.

He added: "Copernicus satellites come back every few days over the same place so you can collect the data. Also, this data is kept so you can check what is changing."

Maciej Krzyżanowski. Maciej Krzyżanowski. Photo: Danuta Isler/Radio Poland

Click on the audio player above to hear the interview.