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Polish drinks firm appoints world's first AI CEO: report

02.08.2023 18:30
Positioning the country at the vanguard of the AI revolution, a Polish distillery has taken a groundbreaking step to appoint what it claims to be the world's first AI CEO.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In an exclusive feature posted earlier this week, the British tabloid The Daily Mail ran an interview with Mika, a human-like robot incorporated with AI which had been hired by a Polish global spirits company as its chief executive officer.

The firm, rum producer Dictador, was founded in 1913 in Colombia but has been under Polish ownership for the past 14 years. The company is now headquartered in southern Poland.

In her interview with The Daily Mail website, Mika said she believes that time will come when robot-CEOs like her will dominate the world as artificial intelligence is integrated into businesses.

Mika boasts that, as an employee who does not ask for a raise or take a holiday, she can be a game changer in generating profit.

In another recent development in Poland's AI revolution in late July, listeners of a local radio station were introduced to Basia, an AI-generated presenter.

The management said the move would not impact the station's workforce and no human reporter would be replaced by artificial intelligence.

“In my opinion, the concern isn't so much about AI taking over our jobs,” said AI legal expert Michał Jackowski.

“Rather, the real challenge is for the labor market to flex and adapt to new requirements, and learn to harness AI in order to work faster and more efficiently,” he added.


Click on the audio player above to listen to a report by Radio Poland's Michał Owczarek.