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Warsaw event aims to help rebuild Ukraine: audio report

16.11.2023 17:30
The 2nd "Rebuild Ukraine" International Trade Exhibition and Conference was held in Warsaw this week.
Odesa Deputy Mayor Pavel Vugelman.
Odesa Deputy Mayor Pavel Vugelman.Photo: Danuta Isler/Radio Poland

The main objective of the event was to attract fundraising from international institutions for the recovery of Ukrainian communities.

Other aims included aiding Ukrainian energy companies in restoring critical infrastructure facilities damaged during Russia's invasion, and promoting investment in Ukrainian cities and regions.

A key component of the initiative was the "Ukraine and Its Communities" National Pavilion, where 26 Ukrainian cities and towns presented their visions for postwar reconstruction and further development through investment and donor projects.

Radio Poland's Danuta Isler spoke to representatives for the cities of Mariupol and Odesa.

Sergei Orlov, deputy mayor of Mariupol. Sergei Orlov, deputy mayor of Mariupol. Photo: Danuta Isler/Radio Poland

Click on the audio player above to listen.