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General Polko highly critical of Russian army - PAP interview

06.06.2022 16:00
General Polko, in an interview for the Polish Press Agency PAP, has given a scathing indictment of a demoralised Russian army which "only wants to survive and plunder as much as possible."
General Roman Polko
General Roman PolkoMateusz Włodarczyk / Forum

In his interview for PAP, General Polko described the sharp class division between the officer class and the rank and file. The latter, larger "caste" is unmotivated, has no sense of mission and simply hopes to plunder as much as possible from Ukraine.

Polko said the demoralised state of the Russian army stands in sharp contrast to the motivated Ukrainian forces.

"The Ukrainians have a sense of purpose concerning their individual courses of action - but also of the entire mission."

General Polko also claims that Russia has limited prospects of introducing larger scale conscription. News from the front is reaching the Russian population back home.

"Noone wants to participate in a war in which soldiers are simply sent to their deaths," he said.

Source: PAP


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