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Ukrainian forces repel Russian attacks in Donbas: reports

02.08.2022 10:15
Ukrainian forces have repulsed several Russian attacks in the eastern Donbas region, while fighting continued near the city of Bakhmut, the Ukrainian General Staff reported on Tuesday.
Ukrainian forces have fended off several Russian attacks in the eastern Donbas region, while fighting continued near the city of Bakhmut, the Ukrainian General Staff said on Tuesday.
Ukrainian forces have fended off several Russian attacks in the eastern Donbas region, while fighting continued near the city of Bakhmut, the Ukrainian General Staff said on Tuesday.PAP/Mykola Kalyeniak

In its latest operational update, posted on Facebook, Ukraine’s military command wrote that in the Donetsk Oblast, which forms part of Donbas, “the enemy's efforts are focused on conducting an offensive in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions.”

Ukraine fends off Russian attacks in Yakovlivka, Vershyn, Kodema

The Ukrainian General Staff added that on the Bakhmut front, “the enemy shelled military and civilian infrastructure in the areas of Yakovlivka, Soledar, Bakhmut, Kodema, Semihirya, Travneve and Zaitseve settlements,” and “carried out airstrikes near Soledar, Yakovlivka, Semihirya, Pokrovske, and Bilohorivka.”

“Ukrainian soldiers repelled assaults in the areas of Yakovlivka, Vershyn, Kodema, and Travnevo,” Ukraine’s military command said, adding that fighting continued "in the areas of Bakhmut and Zaitseve settlements.”

Russia behind attack on Olenivka prison camp: ISW

Meanwhile, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said that Russian forces were "responsible for the July 28 attack on the Olenivka prison that killed 53 Ukrainian POWs.”

In its latest analysis of the war in Ukraine, published on Monday night, the US-based think tank added: “Two anonymous US officials confirmed that there is no evidence that Ukrainian forces used US-provided HIMARS [advanced rocket systems], some of the only munitions Ukraine has that are precise enough to do the kind of limited damage seen in satellite and other imagery, to strike the prison.”

The ISW stated: “Given the US assessment that HIMARS were not used in the attack, ISW assesses that Russia was responsible for this attack on Ukrainian POWs in violation of the Geneva Conventions.” 

Russia shifting troops from eastern Ukraine

The US experts also noted that Russian forces “are transferring elements of the Eastern Military District (EMD) from the Slovyansk area to support defensive positions along the Southern Axis.”

They added that Russian troops “did not conduct any offensive operations north of Slovyansk or around Siversk.”

Failed Russian assaults near Bakhmut, Avdiivka

Moreover, “Russian forces conducted unsuccessful ground assaults on settlements south and southeast of Bakhmut,” the ISW said, adding that Russian proxy authorities “did not claim any territorial gains near Avdiivka as Russian forces launched unsuccessful ground assaults on Avdiivka and Pisky.”

'Efforts to deter and suppress partisan movements'

According to the US think tank, “Russian regional officials are reportedly failing to provide promised payments to the 'Atal' Volunteer Battalion of the Republic of Chuvashia.”

The ISW also said that the Kremlin "is likely prioritising propaganda and sham referenda over the welfare of Ukrainian civilians in occupied Ukrainian territories.”

At the same time, “Russian occupation forces are likely increasing efforts to deter and suppress partisan movements in occupied territories as partisan attacks on Russian officials and Ukrainian collaborators continue,” the US analysts added.

Meanwhile, the UK Ministry of Defence has emphasised the impact of an apparent drone attack on Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol on July 31.

In their latest intelligence update, published on Tuesday, the UK analysts wrote: “The reported strike on Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol on Navy Day is the latest setback for the Black Sea Fleet in the five-month-old war against Ukraine, which included the loss of its flagship, the cruiser Moskva, in April 2022.”

The UK Ministry of Defence added: “Following the reports of cancelled parades, it is unlikely that the Black Sea Fleet can manage high profile public events alongside its wartime activities.”

Tuesday is day 160 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Source: PAP, facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua, understandingwar.org, pravda.com.ua