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EU lawmakers reject proposal to brand Russia ‘state sponsor of terrorism’: report

13.10.2022 16:30
The European Parliament will not designate Russia “a state sponsor of terrorism” after centrist and left-wing groupings rejected a draft resolution to this effect, public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported on Thursday.
The European Parliament will not designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism after a draft resolution to this effect, proposed by the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), was rejected by other political groupings, public broadcaster Polish Radios IAR news agency reported on Thursday.
The European Parliament will not designate Russia “a state sponsor of terrorism” after a draft resolution to this effect, proposed by the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), was rejected by other political groupings, public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported on Thursday.PAP/Mateusz Marek

The declaration was drafted by the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, according to the polskieradio24.pl website. 

However, at a meeting on Wednesday, most of the other political groupings refused to back the resolution, IAR’s Brussels correspondent Beata Płomecka reported.

The Socialists, Liberals, Greens and Communists all came out against the document, according to polskieradio24.pl.  

EU urged to designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism

The ECR’s draft said that “the actions of the Russian Federation and its proxies ought to be described as terrorism and should be catergorised as such.”

The document added that the European Parliament “calls on Member States and the EU as a whole to without delay designate the Russian Federation a state sponsor of terrorism.”

Kosma Złotowski, an ECR lawmaker from Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, unveiled the draft resolution on Twitter on Tuesday, adding that the ECR was seeking support for the document from other  political groups in the European Parliament. 

Złotowski stressed that Russia this week launched a brutal bombardment of civilian targets across Ukraine, having earlier committed war crimes in the towns of Bucha and Irpin, polskieradio24.pl reported.

The ECR’s draft resolution said that the parliament and government of Ukraine have "called for countries and international organisations to declare Russia a country supporting terrorism.”

It further stated that “the Russian Federation spreads terror throughout the world through private military networks of mercenaries, such as the Wagner Group” and “repeatedly has supported acts of international terrorism,” polskieradio24.pl reported. 

Thursday is day 232 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 


Source: polskieradio24.pl, wprost.pl