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US-based think tank: Russia continues forced deportations in Ukraine

16.10.2022 15:00
Russia continues to conduct large-scale forced deportations of Ukrainians that likely amount to a deliberate ethnic cleansing campaign, the Institute for the Study of War, a US-based think-tank, said in it its latest update.
Ukrainian civilians receive humanitarian aid in the recently recaptured city of Kupiansk, east of Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 15 October 2022.
Ukrainian civilians receive humanitarian aid in the recently recaptured city of Kupiansk, east of Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 15 October 2022. Photo: EPA/ATEF SAFADI

The assessment also reads Russian officials have "openly admitted to placing children from occupied areas of Ukraine up for adoption with Russian families."

The report adds: "Russian authorities may additionally be engaged in a wider campaign of ethnic cleansing by depopulating Ukrainian territory through deportations and repopulating Ukrainian cities with imported Russian citizens."


Source: PAP, https://www.understandingwar.org/