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Poland leads way in supporting Ukraine: diplomat

20.04.2023 18:30
Poland is at the forefront of support for war-torn Ukraine, having provided EUR 8.4 billion in assistance so far, a senior Ukrainian diplomat has said.
Oleh Kuts.
Oleh Kuts.PAP/Paweł Supernak

Oleh Kuts made the statement at a news conference in Warsaw on Wednesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported. 

The event saw the launch of a new report on the current humanitarian situation in Ukraine, according to officials. 

Entitled United for Ukraine, the study was prepared by the World for Ukraine (W4UA) Foundation, the PAP news agency reported.

Poland ranks among the leaders of support for Ukraine’  

Kuts, who is Ukraine's consul general in the eastern Polish city of Lublin, told reporters: “Poland ranks among the leaders of support for Ukraine. Poland’s assistance to Ukrainian citizens has been estimated at EUR 8.36 billion. It’s the biggest amount among all the countries.”

The diplomat stated: “We thank Poland and the Polish people for their help and support in our fight against Russian aggression.”   

Poland 'inspired the whole world’

The new United for Ukraine report also quotes Kuts as saying: “Poland is the leader in providing support for Ukraine, who set an example and inspired the whole world, because now the whole world is witnessing the determination of Poland and Ukraine fighting together for a better tomorrow for our children, for our freedom.”

‘Ukraine still needs humanitarian aid’   

Kuts told reporters on Wednesday: “We all wish the war would end as soon as possible. But as long as it continues, Ukraine still needs humanitarian aid.”

He urged: “Right now it’s important to supply hospitals with medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment.” 

He added: “Also essential is food, water, hygiene and health supplies, infant food, mattresses, blankets, sleeping bags and bedclothes.”

United for Ukraine report 

The United for Ukraine report is addressed to the international community involved in supporting Ukraine, the authors said. 

The study contains “key recommendations for businesses, governments, local authorities, and humanitarian organisations in relation to their ongoing efforts to assist Ukraine and its people,” according to the W4UA Foundation.

Topics addressed in the report include “economic reconstruction, rebuilding cities and infrastructure, addressing the food crisis, optimising transportation, delivering humanitarian aid to those most in need, education, healthcare (including psychological support), and local government partnerships,” the authors told reporters. 

According to the W4UA Foundation, United for Ukraine represents “the first comprehensive compendium of knowledge covering various aspects of the reality of a state having become the victim of armed aggression in 21st-century Europe.”

World for Ukraine

W4UA is a nongovernmental organisation "dedicated to integrating and supporting the efforts of NGOs, local governments, central authorities and companies undertaken for the benefit of the Ukrainian nation," the PAP news agency reported. 

Thursday is day 421 of Russia’s war on Ukraine. 


Source: PAP, W4UA


Ukraine still in need of 'huge humanitarian support'

Radio Poland's Danuta Isler spoke to Bartosz Staniszewski, a project manager for the W4UA Foundation.

"The topic of war for the media and for us seems less important now, but it is not," Staniszewski said. "We were in Kyiv just last week and from what we learned on the ground Ukrainians and Ukraine still need huge humanitarian support."

Bartosz Staniszewski (left), a project manager for World4Ukraine, during a press conference in Warsaw. Bartosz Staniszewski (left), a project manager for the W4UA Foundation, speaks at a press conference in Warsaw. Photo: Danuta Isler/Radio Poland

Click on the audio player above to hear the interview.