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Bakhmut soon to be liberated?

06.07.2023 13:45
The Russian Army is blocked in Bakhmut and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are broadly "content" with the counteroffensive.
Ukrainian soldier.
Ukrainian soldier. Photo: AA/ABACA/PAP

Though it is still too early to be sure, reports are coming in that Ukraine is regaining the upper hand in Bakhmut: "Bakhmut is coming back under control, Ukrainian intelligence is certain of that. If the current tempo of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is sustained in the direction of Bakhmut, the town will be liberated" - Mykola Volohov, the Commander of a reconnaissance unit. 

Ukraine has expressed its general satisfaction with progress in the counteroffensive:

On Wednesday we reported that, according to Ukraine's Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Malar, Russian forces have lost confidence following the events surrounding the rebellion of 23-24 June. 

Sources: PAP, wyborcza.pl, Twitter, RadioPoland.pl
