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Ukraine calls in Polish ambassador over presidential aide’s remarks

01.08.2023 20:30
Ukraine has called in the Polish ambassador to Kyiv over comments made by the Polish president’s top foreign policy aide, Marcin Przydacz, calling them “unacceptable,” according to news reports on Tuesday.
Polands ambassador to Ukraine, Bartosz Cichocki.
Poland's ambassador to Ukraine, Bartosz Cichocki.PAP/Vladyslav Musiienko

The Polish envoy, Bartosz Cichocki, was invited to Ukraine’s foreign ministry during the day, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The meeting concerned “statements made by Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the President of Poland, Head of the International Policy Bureau Marcin Przydacz,” the foreign ministry in Kyiv said in a statement.

It added: “During the meeting, it was emphasized that the statements about the alleged ingratitude of the Ukrainians for the assistance of the Republic of Poland do not reflect reality and as such are unacceptable.”

Ukraine’s foreign ministry further stated: “We are convinced that the friendship between Ukraine and Poland is far deeper than political pragmatism. Politics should not question the mutual understanding and strength of relations between our peoples. No statements will prevent us from jointly fighting for peace and building a common European future.”

In a media interview on Monday, Przydacz referred to the possible extension of Poland’s ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, and called on Ukraine to show appreciation for Poland’s support for Kyiv’s fight against the Russian invasion, public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

Przydacz said: "What is most important today is to defend the interest of the Polish farmer … I think it would be worthwhile for (Kyiv) to start appreciating what role Poland has played for Ukraine over past months and years."

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, launching the largest military campaign in Europe since World War II.

Tuesday is day 524 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.


Source: IAR, PAP, Reuters, mfa.gov.ua