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Russian public opinion shifts toward peace talks with Ukraine, poll shows

16.11.2023 14:15
In a notable shift of public opinion, a majority of Russians now favor peace negotiations with Ukraine to end the war, according to a poll by independent research group Russian Field, as cited by the Meduza news portal.
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The survey, which involved 1,600 participants, revealed that 48 percent of Russians support entering peace talks, while 39 percent prefer continuing the war.

The poll indicates a demographic split in views. Men and individuals over 45, generally those who are financially secure and enjoying a good quality of life, are more inclined to support the continuation of the war.

Peace talks?

Seventy-four percent of those polled would back Vladimir Putin in signing a peace agreement if it were to happen "tomorrow." This group has grown since the start of mobilization in Russia in the fall of 2022.

However, the survey also highlights a lack of consensus among Russians regarding the contents of a potential peace treaty. The most significant group, comprising 10 percent of respondents, desires simply "a return to peaceful life and an end to bloodshed."

Other opinions vary widely, from complete Ukrainian surrender to reverting to the borders of 1991.

Is the war going well?

When asked about the progress of the war, 56 percent of respondents said it was going well for Russia, while 25 percent held the opposite view. Negative perceptions of the conflict are more prevalent among those aged 30-44.

The survey also explored the primary sources of information for Russians regarding the war. Television remains the most common source of information, named by 36 percent, followed by Telegram channels (17 percent) and websites (15 percent).

Notably, those who rely on Telegram channels are twice as likely to believe that Russian military operations are not proceeding as planned compared to those who get their news from television.


Source: RMF24, Meduza