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Aid from northern Poland heads to Ukraine

27.11.2023 23:00
A shipment of humanitarian aid destined for the frontlines and field hospitals in Ukraine departed from Koszalin, northern Poland, on Monday.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Luaks Johnns from Pixabay

The transport, comprising essential supplies, will be handed over to a foundation in Przemyśl, a transit hub in the southeast of Poland near the Ukrainian border.

The goods will be delivered directly to the frontlines and field hospitals in the war-torn country, officials said.

The collected items, including sleeping mats, blankets, sleeping bags, bedding, clothing for all ages, and long-lasting food, had been gathered over the past three months at a private high school in Koszalin and the local branch of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland.

The initiative has also received significant contributions from the Hamburg community in Germany, including over-the-counter medicines.

The estimated value of the entire shipment is around PLN 150,000 (EUR 34,500, USD 38,000).

This transport is the 13th from Koszalin, with earlier shipments directed to the partner city of Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine, Polish state news agency reported.

This one is destined for delivery close to the front, helping residents who have remained in their homes – often elderly individuals who are struggling to get by.

Roman Biłas, chairman of the Koszalin branch of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland, highlighted the urgency of the initiative, noting that upcoming changes in Ukrainian regulations in December would introduce more complex bureaucratic procedures for such aid transfers.

Biłas also shed light on the unstable situation of Ukrainian refugees in Koszalin.

Estimates suggest that around 3,000 refugees are currently in the city, according to Biłas. Job prospects in the region mainly include positions in the hospitality sector, the food industry, and the construction industry, where Polish language proficiency is not strictly required.

The majority of Ukrainians in the region are keen to improve their job prospects through extra vocational training and learning Polish, Biłas said.

The Union of Ukrainians in Poland is an NGO dedicated to supporting Ukrainians in the country and fostering Polish-Ukrainian dialogue and cooperation.

The Koszalin branch is planning to open a dedicated space in which Ukrainians will be able to socialize, send their children for Ukrainian language and music lessons, and join in cultural activities.

Ukrainian and Polish are related, and speakers of both languages report that they are mutually intelligible to a large degree.


Source: PAP