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Polish journalist injured in Kramatorsk missile strike

26.08.2024 16:05
Monika Andruszewska, a Polish journalist who has been reporting and volunteering in Ukraine since 2014, was driving through Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, when a missile struck a hotel nearby.
A Polish journalist and aid worker has sustained injuries in a Russian assault in Ukraine.
A Polish journalist and aid worker has sustained injuries in a Russian assault in Ukraine.Monika Andruszewska / Facebook screen: https://www.facebook.com/monikandruszewska/?locale=uk_UA

The incident occurred on Ukraine's Independence Day. On that day, Ryan Evans, a Reuters contributor reporting on the war, was killed, and two other Reuters journalists were injured in a missile strike on a hotel in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, according to the news agency.

Polish journalist hurt in Kramatorsk blast on Ukraine's Independence Day

TVP World reports that Andruszewska continues to be committed to her role at the Raphael Lemkin Center for Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine. On social media, she recounted an incident in Kramatorsk where, while returning dog cages, she was suddenly caught in an explosion that shattered her car windows, causing minor injuries to herself and her companions.

"My first personal blood shed for Ukraine - on Independence Day, no less. After 10 years of war. An Iskander right next to me. It slightly cut my tattoo on my right arm, where I have cornflowers intertwined with wheat, intentionally in the colors of the Ukrainian flag," Andruszewska announced on Facebook.

The journalist, who previously worked with "Tygodnik Powszechny," shared photos showing the wounds on her arm and the damaged interior of her car.

Despite the damage to her car, she expressed determination to continue helping others, emphasizing the constant threat Ukrainians face from Russian attacks simply for living their lives.

Call for fundraiser to purchase a new car for Monika

Szczepan Twardoch, a Polish-Silesian writer, wrote on X.com that the damaged car was used by Monika to collect evidence of Russian crimes, evacuate Ukrainian civilians, and rescue dogs from shelters.

The vehicle was purchased for Monika by Twardoch himself, with the support of funds raised through a collection.

The writer, who occasionally creates in the Silesian language, appealed for the purchase of another car that would enable Andruszewska to continue her work helping the victims of the war in Ukraine.

Source: TVP World/Reuters/SDP

Social media source: Facebook/MonikaAndruszewska/X/@sz_twardoch

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