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Konstantin Sivkov, close ally of Putin, threatens Poland

10.01.2023 23:00
Close ally of Putin and military strategist Konstantin Sivkov has threatened Poland with nuclear attacks if Poland continues its "aggressive policy towards Moscow and Belarus"
Konstantin Sivkov
Konstantin SivkovWikipedia/Creative Commons

Konstantin Sivkov is a retired naval officer and General Staff Academy graduate. This week he has threatened Poland with nuclear attacks if it continues its "aggressive policy towards Moscow and Belarus". The US Army journal "Military Review" suggests that Sivkov's opinions may be taken as a faithful representation of Putin's "inner circle".

In an interview for Military Review, Sivkov says that "Ukraine is just the beginning." 

The Polish spokesperson for Information Security, Stanisław Żaryn, responded to the Russian threats:

"Russian centres of propaganda are again attempting to use nuclear blackmail against Poland. This time the "military expert" Konstantin Sivkov has spoken up, threatening Poland with an atomic attack."

That this is not a new position of Sivkov can be gauged from a 2014 interview in which he describes NATO as Russia's strategic enemy, continuing the global and anti-Russian policies of the British Empire.

Sources: PAP, Twitter, "Military Review" website
