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Slovak parliament declares Russia a state sponsor of terrorism

16.02.2023 22:30
Slovak lawmakers have denounced Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and the Russian regime as a terrorist one, news outlets reported on Thursday.

The Slovak parliament adopted a resolution condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine, including attacks on the civilian population, civilian targets, and energy infrastructure, and expressing support for Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity, according to Ukrainian state news agency Ukrinform.

Slovak MPs also expressed support for efforts to set up a special tribunal to prosecute crimes of Russian aggression, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Ukrinform reported.

The resolution also condemned Russia's direct and indirect threats to use nuclear weapons, according to Ukrinform.

Poland’s upper house of parliament, the Senate, in October adopted a resolution designating Russia as “a terrorist regime” and calling on the international community to support investigations into war crimes committed in Ukraine. 

Earlier that month, Estonian lawmakers condemned Russia's attempted annexation of parts of Ukraine and denounced Russia as "a terrorist regime."

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in mid-October adopted a resolution condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and calling on the organisation’s member states to declare Russia "a terrorist regime.”

The Lithuanian parliament, the Seimas, in May voted to label Moscow's assault on Ukraine as "genocide" and to denounce Russia as "a state that supports and perpetrates terrorism," according to reports at the time.

Polish lawmakers in March voted to condemn "war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts of genocide” committed by Russia in Ukraine.


Source: IAR, ukrinform.net