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German ex-chancellor Merkel berated for policy on Russia: report

25.04.2023 22:30
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has faced growing criticism of her policy of rapprochement with Russia, proven wrong by the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine, a Polish website has reported. 
Angela Merkel.
Angela Merkel.Alexander.kurz, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The war in Ukraine has changed the public's perception of Merkel’s record as chancellor from 2005 to 2021, especially her policy on Russia, Poland's tvp.info website reported on Tuesday, citing Spanish newspaper La Razón.

The ex-German leader has come under fire for her “flawed policy on Russia, La Razón wrote, according to tvp.info. 

The Madrid-based daily noted that German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier last week decorated Merkel with the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit for special achievement, the country’s highest honour.

Meanwhile, the former chancellor “has faced unstinting criticism” of her 16 years at the helm of the country, tvp.info claimed.

It said Merkel was being attacked by critics across the political spectrum, “from the right to the left, in Germany and in Europe.”

Even her own party, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), has been critical, with several politicians, including deputy party leader Carsten Linnemann, accusing Merkel of “obvious mistakes” in handling issues such as a refugee crisis, tvp.info said La Razón reported

Last week’s awards ceremony was not attended by senior figures from the CDU party, which Merkel had led for nearly two decades, La Razón reported, according to tvp.info. 

Tuesday is day 426 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.


Source: tvp.info, La Razon, AP