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Polish UN envoy warns of stepped-up Russian assaults on Ukrainian civilians

15.05.2023 23:30
Poland's envoy to the United Nations has warned that Russian military failures on the battleground in Ukraine have been accompanied by stepped-up brutal aggression against civilians.
Krzysztof Szczerski.
Krzysztof Szczerski. PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Addressing the UN Security Council on Monday, Krzysztof Szczerski condemned the targeting of critical infrastructure by rockets and civilian deaths, according to reports.

The Polish UN ambassador said that Russia's strategy at the United Nations entailed ignoring appeals to stop its aggression and flooding the forum with misinformation and propaganda.

He called on member states to never be indifferent or get used to the war even if it disappeared from breaking news headlines, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

"We need to stand our ground and continue to defend the UN Charter," he appealed.

Szczerski told the UN Security Council that Poland would continue to support Ukraine at the United Nations and on the ground and would not be worn down by "hybrid attacks" on it, which he said have intensified recently.

Monday was day 446 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.


Source: IAR, PAPpress.un.org