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Biden looking to add five permament members to the UN Security Council

13.06.2023 21:50
With a plan that would represent a significant shift in the global balance of powers, the Biden administration is looking to add five permanent members to the United Nations Security Council.
United States President Joe Biden.
United States President Joe Biden.PAP/EPA/SHAWN THEW

Since the formation of the United Nations after World War II, the UN Security Council has had 5 permanent members with the power of veto: the United States, France, Great Britain, China and Russia (originally the Soviet Union).

This situation has proved particularly awkward since Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

US President Biden, according to Washington Post sources, is now looking to add 5 new permanent members - who would not have the power of veto, however.

Among the countries being considered, the US is known to support the inclusion of India, Japan and Germany.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is currently on a visit to the US. Press reports assume that the question of his continued leadership of NATO will be very much at the top of the agenda.

Sources: Washington Post, PAP, Politico
