The event, hosted at the Dormition Cathedral of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, marked the devastating impact of the Holodomor, a man-made famine inflicted by the Soviet government on Ukraine in 1932-1933.
A prayer for the victims was led by the Ukrainian presidential couple, joined by church dignitaries, military personnel, chaplains, and representatives of the government and parliament, as detailed by President Zelensky's office.
"Today, the Ukrainian people are united in their prayers, desire for justice, and the flame of our national memory. Ukraine will never forget the millions of our people who perished due to starvation," Zelensky wrote on the X portal.
Following the ceremony, the presidential couple, along with foreign leaders and members of the diplomatic corps, proceeded to the Museum of the Great Famine, where wreaths were laid, and candles were lit.
The Holodomor claimed the lives of at least 3.5 million people due to the policies of the Soviet Union. This man-made catastrophe unfolded in one of Europe's most fertile countries as the Soviet Union exported vast quantities of grain while confiscating grain and food in Ukraine.
Recognizing the gravity of the tragedy, Poland declared the Great Famine in Ukraine as genocide in 2006.
In a statement issued on Saturday, US President Joe Biden highlighted Stalin's seizure of Ukraine's grain to suppress its national identity.
Biden's statement also drew attention to the current challenges faced by Ukraine, stating: "Today, Ukraine’s agricultural infrastructure is once more being deliberately targeted - this time by Vladimir Putin as part of his drive for conquest and power."
Meanwhile, as an annual tribute to the victims of the Great Ukrainian Famine, the window of the Polish Presidential Palace was illuminated by a symbolic candle.
The Holodomor stands as one of the greatest crimes of the communist system, the President’s Office said.
Source: PAP, IAR