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UPDATE 2: V4 leaders meet in Prague

27.02.2024 23:30
Leaders from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary convened at a Visegrád Group (V4) summit in Prague on Tuesday to discuss a range of pressing issues, including energy security, the European Union's strategic agenda and efforts to combat illegal migration.
Slovakias Prime Minister Robert Fico, Polands Donald Tusk, the Czech Republics Petr Fiala, and Hungarys Viktor Orbn meet for a summit of Central and Eastern Europes Visegrad Group (V4) in Prague on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico, Poland’s Donald Tusk, the Czech Republic’s Petr Fiala, and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán meet for a summit of Central and Eastern Europe's Visegrad Group (V4) in Prague on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka

The Visegrád Group is a political and cultural alliance of the four countries.

The ongoing war in Ukraine and the group's support for the country in the face of Russian aggression emerged as a focal point of discussion.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, after the meeting, expressed optimism about finding at least partial common ground on assisting Ukraine.

He highlighted the diverse approaches within the V4 but emphasized the potential for more unequivocal support for Ukraine following their discussions.

Tusk stressed the historical solidarity and shared European values among V4 countries, going back to their common roots in resisting the Soviet empire.

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala acknowledged differences among the V4 nations but noted areas of consensus, particularly regarding the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

He pointed out that while all V4 countries agree on the need to support Ukraine, there is variation in the form this assistance takes, with Poland and the Czech Republic providing military aid and Slovakia and Hungary offering humanitarian and financial support.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán admitted that the discussions were challenging but affirmed Hungary's readiness to continue cooperation within the group.

He echoed the sentiment of supporting Ukraine and added a Hungarian perspective on not wanting to share a border with Russia again, reflecting historical tensions.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, for his part, was clear about his stance towards Russia's genocidal war in Ukraine: "I do not believe that we should support Ukraine militarily, I think we should support peace talks," he said.

The V4 leaders also recognized the need for a unified approach in Brussels to ensure that aiding Ukraine does not adversely affect their economies, particularly in agriculture.

They agreed on the importance of solidarity within the Visegrád Group and expressed cautious optimism about addressing shared concerns through collective action.


Source: IAR, PAP