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Polish president, education minister send back-to-school wishes as classes resume after summer break

02.09.2024 11:00
Poland's presidential couple and the education minister sent their best wishes to students and teachers as the new school year began on Monday.
Photo:PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

More than 4.5 million students were heading back to school after the summer break. Starting the new 2024/2025 academic year were children in some 20,000 schools nationwide, among them thousands of Ukrainian children who have fled the war in their country, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

In a special message for the first day of classes, President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda said the new school year was bringing new opportunities and experiences for students, teachers and parents after more than two months of summer vacation.

Polish President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda. Polish President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda. Photo: Grzegorz Jakubowski/KPRP 

"May this school year be filled with passion and a constant desire to discover the world," the presidential couple said in their message.

"We wish everyone perseverance and satisfaction as they make progress in learning new things," they added.

'Enthusiasm, curiosity and the joy of learning': education minister

Meanwhile, Poland's Education Minister Barbara Nowacka said on Monday that she wished all students a school year "filled with enthusiasm, curiosity about the world around them, and perseverance in acquiring new knowledge."

"May each day at school be filled with discoveries, the joy of learning and quality time with classmates," Nowacka said in a video message.


Source: IAR, PAP, TVP Info, prezydent.pl, polskieradio.pl

Click on the audio player above for a report by Radio Poland's Ada Janiszewska.