What's Up :: Poles targeting Spanish real estate Figures show Poles in fourth place among foreign buyers of real estate in Spain, behind Brits, Germans and Maroccans Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: History of radio and television in Poland An exhibition at the National Museum of Technology in Warsaw titled „Media of Our Times: The History of Radio and Television,” coincides with the upcoming 100th anniversary of Poland’s public broadcaster Polish Radio Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Young people prone to online disinformation The present rapid and global spread of information makes distinguishing true and accurate news from disinformation increasingly difficult, especially if one relies solely on the internet and social media Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Poland still not a top destination for migrant specialists Though Poland issued the largest number of residence permits to foreigners in the EU in 2023, the number of so-called Blue Cards for highly qualified specialists amounted to roughly one tenth of that in neighboring Germany Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: GOCC reaches out to space The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, Poland's major health related fundraiser, is sending its Gold Heart emblem to the International Space Station on board the Ignis scientific mission Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Poles want to move abroad despite satisfaction with their country Slightly over half of Poles are eyeing other countries as a preferred destination to reside, yet they declare life in the homeland to offer a good standard Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Foreigners give birth in Poland Statistically, one in sixteen newborns in Poland last year did not have Polish citizenship because both of their parents were foreigners Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Turn around... What events and experiences will stay in our minds when recalling 2024 in Poland? Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: You better watch out...for Xmas! Yes, it's Christmas time again, and Santa is almost at our doorstep. Is everything ready? Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Call for EU ban on social media for under-fifteens Will the upcoming Polish presidency of the EU support a French appeal to adopt a resolution prohibiting children under the age of fifteen from using social media, a solution similar to that already enacted in Australia? Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Beer advertising and underage drinking A report by the Warsaw-based Conscious Human Institute has linked beer advertising to encouraging early alcohol use among minors in Poland Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Getting ready for Christmas Christmas markets are opening across Poland, and the ones in Gdańsk and Krakow will be competing for the title of the best such event in Europe this season Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up : First step to legalize marijuana A special parliametary team in the Polish Sejm is working on the depenalization of possession of small quantities of cannabis Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: AI takes over journalism An experiment conducted by a Krakow-based radio station aimed at diagnosing the potential impact of AI on culture, media, journalism, and society Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up:: Limits on freak fight events for children Poland's PM has come out strongly in favor of restricting minors' access to celebrity and streamer fights, calling for a moral boundary to spectacles promoting brutality and vulgarity Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Overworked Poles Extended working hours and heavy workload have led many employees but also managers and business owners to report burnout, lack of motivation and job satisfaction Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Poland a global leader in tobacco exports According to International Trade Center data, Poland ranked No. 1 globally in exports of cigarettes in 2023. At the same time a sharp rise was recorded in the number of Polish ten-year-olds trying their first puff Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Humanoids to enter labor market shortly Experts predict the next 5 to 10 years will witness humanoids replacing a great part of factory crews, while a decade later they could become a household standard Zobacz więcej na temat: