What's Up :: Polish drivers - men vs women Stereotypes often lack justification in down to earth statistics, as is the case with the popular belief that men are better drivers than women Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Poland has not yet perished Those words come from the first line of "Dąbrowski's Mazurka" penned by Józef Wybicki in 1797 which became Poland's national anthem a hundred and thirty years later Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Tradition of All Saints and All Souls Day in Poland All Saints and All Souls Day in Poland is the time to reflect on life and remember those no longer with us, an opportunity to learn more about the nation's history and to meet with family and friends Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish millennials Almost two in three young Poles of the "Y generation" put finances at the top of their priority list, followed by opportunity to travel Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Cigarette and alcohol prices in Poland up Will hikes in excise tax on tobacco products and alcohol envisaged in a series of annual adjustments contribute to lowering the level of their consumption among Poles? Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Start of new academic year in Poland Following the lifting of many Covid related restrictions close to 1.2 million students are hoping to attend in-person classes at over 370 higher eduacation institutions across Poland Zobacz więcej na temat:
Życie bez mediów społecznościowych i internetu. Czy jest możliwe? W poniedziałkowe popołudnie świat się na kilka godzin zatrzymał. Mieliśmy obraz tego, jak by wyglądało współczesne życie bez dostępu do mediów społecznościowych. Przez kilka godzin niedostępny był najpopularniejszy portal Facebook i powiązane z nim Instagram, WhatsApp i Messenger. Zobacz więcej na temat: Facebook Instagram messenger internet Klaudia Porębska
"Media społecznościowe budują zupełnie nową rzeczywistość". Dr Żukowski o wpływie nowych mediów na politykę - Niedawno było tak, że wszyscy obserwowaliśmy te same wydarzenia w tych samych mediach. W tej chwili pojawia się mnóstwo baniek politycznych - powiedział w Polskim Radiu 24 dr Tomasz Żukowski, socjolog z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, pytany o wpływ mediów społecznościowych na politykę. Zobacz więcej na temat: POLSKA polityka social media internet Facebook Instagram Tomasz Żukowski
Światowa awaria Facebooka, Instagrama i WhatsAppa. Mark Zuckerberg przeprasza Prezes Facebooka Mark Zuckerberg przeprosił użytkowników za wczorajszą awarię. Przez sześć godzin nie działały na całym świecie Facebook, Instagram, Messenger i WhatsApp. Była to najdłuższa w historii przerwa w działaniu należących do firmy serwisów. Zobacz więcej na temat: ŚWIAT USA Ameryka Stany Zjednoczone social media Facebook Instagram Mark Zuckerberg
What's Up :: Polish idea of UNICEF The UN International Children's Emergency Fund which replaced UNRRA after WWII was an innovative concept proposed by Ludwik Rajchman, a Polish doctor Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Magic Polish amber Gdańsk is considered the capital of Baltic Gold, or simply amber - the resin of coniferous trees that grew in the region some 40 million years ago Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Taste before you reach for salt We all know that salt can contribute to a number of serious health problems so it is worth considering smaller consumption or finding alternatives to suit your palate Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Mushroom hunting in Poland fun but risky Out of some 1,300 wild mushroom species to be found in Polish forests around 200 are poisonous and a similar number are under protection, so watch carefully what you put in your basket Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish schools get COVID protection as kids return to class The goverment has supplied protective gear to all schools but can in-person instruction be maintained throughout the new academic year despite a prospective fourth wave of the pandemic Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Living with mom and dad Poland occupies tenth place among European Union countries with regard to the average age when youngsters decide to leave their family nest Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish Army stands for independence Marking Poland's Armed Forces Day we pay tribute to the men and women in military uniform who in the past fought for Polish independence and stand guard at present to secure peace for their country and that of other nations Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish government hits out at anti-vaxxers With a fourth wave of the pandemic looming the government is doing its best to make progress in vaccinating Polish society against COVID-19 and has pledged to act strongly against those who obstruct the process Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Saxon Palace in Warsaw to be rebuilt The Saxon Palace in the capital was one of Poland's most distinctive buildings prior to World War Two - it was blown up by the Nazis in 1944 after the Warsaw Rising Zobacz więcej na temat: