What's Up :: Love thy Covid neighbor The health and life threatening coronavirus epidemic proves to be a strong stimulus in developing empathy among Poles Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: The inevitable arrives - coronavirus in Poland It may be said that the spread of Covid-19 marks the end of the world as we know it but hopefully experience from combatting the epidemic will pay off in the future Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Women in Poland With Women's Day observed on March 8th we look at the status of Polish ladies 30 years after the fall of communism Zobacz więcej na temat:
WhatsApp wkracza w ciemność Najnowsza aktualizacja popularnego komunikatora internetowego wspiera Dark Mode, czyli ciemny motyw aplikacji. Z funkcji mogą korzystać posiadacze smartfonów z systemem Android oraz iOS. Zobacz więcej na temat: smartfony smartfon aplikacje mobilne aplikacje internetowe
What's Up :: Thousands turned back at Polish border Polish border guards last year refused entry to almost one hundred thousand foreigners, mostly Ukrainian citizens, due to lack of valid documents Zobacz więcej na temat:
Z WhatsApp'a korzysta już 2 miliardy użytkowników miesięcznie Internetowy komunikator bije kolejne rekordy. WhatsApp może pochwalić się dwoma miliardami użytkowników, którzy za jego pośrednictwem kontaktują się z rodziną lub znajomymi. Zobacz więcej na temat: internet bezpieczeństwo danych bezpieczeństwo w sieci
What's Up :: Ridding Polish roads of polluting cars Operation Smog in January was the first in a series of planned nationwide police actions in Poland aiming to crack down on old vehicles that cause excessive pollution Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: In ... we trust Poles' trust in the EU has gone up but the Catholic Church and NATO have registered a considerable decline compared to results scored two years ago Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish employers seek specialists IT developers, specialists in cybersecurity, e-commerce, R&D, business intelligence, quant analysts or auxuliary medical personnel are among the list of professionals to be scouted for by many Polish companies this year Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Polish support after bush fires in Australia Poles have engaged in numerous efforts to aid fire stricken victims in Australia, both people and local wildlife Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: New MW offer for listeners Radio Poland invites you to take advantage of a new rebroadcast of its English Service on 1386 kHz effective as of January 1, 2020 Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Between Xmas and New Year Polish tradition abounds in Christmas and New Year customs, both originating ages ago and those introduced only in recent decades Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: The art of giving Christmas presents In order to come up with the perfect Xmas gift one must know more than the usual something about the person for whom it is meant Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Miners' Day in Poland St. Barbara has long been the patron of miners in many countries. Poland is no exception with December 4th celebrated by the community with pomp and circumstance Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: St. Andrew's Day the Polish way Besides marking the beginning of Advent in preparation for Christmas the eve of St. Andrew's is also an opportunity to learn about the future from the spirits of ancestors Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Black Friday in Poland This year almost seven in ten Poles declared to take advantage of Black Friday bargains with the aim of spending 2.3 billion zloty (well over 500 million euro) Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: First nuclear power plant in Poland Poland's first small nuclear power plant to be built by a private company should be operational in 10 years with construction expected to begin in four years Zobacz więcej na temat:
What's Up :: Poles continue to throw away food Four in ten Poles admit to discarding food, according to a report by the Federation of Polish Food Banks which prepared a guidebook on how to prevent such waste. Zobacz więcej na temat: